Spartan Trader - part 7 (H19)
Charting Financial Data
By completing this homework you will learn to chart financial data stored in a remote database.
"Do you know Stockton Bond?"
"No, Ms. Tickertracker, who is he?"
"He is our DAZZLING director of trading. We chatted about what makes a good trader and he told me that his best traders not only understand the financial models
and the underlying economics, but are also very good at reading charts."
"That makes sense. A chart is a great tool to pick up trends and patterns."
"That is right! Stockton recommends that the Spartan Trader produce real-time charts of the securities in our universe. Can you add that functionality to
the Spartan Trader?"
"Of course. I am on it, Boss."
This homework adds to your Spartan Trader the capability to chart financial data. Remember though that we cannot guarantee that the graded solutions are 100% correct. The new installment:
- Fulfills all previous requirements
- Creates charts of the bid and ask prices of the stocks and options included in the Tournament.
- Visualizes the team ID
For reference, this data model shows the structure of the three databases. The vLab contains a demo and instructions and this file contains some code, so that you do not have to type as much. As before, feel free to change the look and feel of the app.
Bug Fix:
In the DownloadLastTransactionDate function you need to replace "Return startDate" with "Return GetStartDate()"