Work to do before coming to the first class


1. Get your WhatsApp account

I will send you an email titled "COMM4559 prework". In it, you will find a link to download WhatsApp and connect to the class chat.  I recommend using also the desktop version of the software.

Add to your profile a recognizable picture of you, and your first and last name. Then send a hello message to the chat, spelling out your first and last name. If you recognize somebody you know,  welcome them to the class and wish them a great break.  We will have to create teams quickly, and some early chat might help.

2. Get your Miro account

Miro is a next-gen collaboration tool. It is a whiteboard that allows teams to work simultaneously onto the same space. Use your  email account to get your Miro account here. Click "sign up free".  When you receive my invitation via email ("Join the UVA Miro team") to join the course Miro team, do so.

3. Buy the Textbook

We use Sprint, by J. Knapp et al.  Make sure you have it by the beginning of the course.  If you have time between now and the beginning of class, read the book in advance to be less pressed fro time during the class.

4. Make sure that you can access the DigiLibrary

The Digilibrary is a box folder that contains readings, PowerPoint decks, and other learning materials.

5. Read the Zoom etiquette

Set yourself up for a successful virtual experience by following these simple recommendations.

6. Check the first couple of readings in the class schedule

There is a rather long documentary on AI to watch.  The schedule is a work in progress right now, and it will be finalized by the time the class starts. Nevertheless, reading in advance (if you have time) will make your life easier during the class.