Grading Assignments, Lateness, Participation, and Attendance



Expect a rigorous course where you will work and learn a considerable amount. Grades are based on accurate, high-quality results.  They are not assigned based on effort. Please do not argue for a better grade for an assignment because you poured a lot of effort into it.

Your final grade will be computed as the weighted average of the following components:

Draft assignment and weights

  • MiniProject #1: SmallBank A  5%
  • MiniProject #2: ERD at Notflix  5%
  • MiniProject #3: SmallBank B  5%
  • In-class SQL test 15%
  • MiniProject #4: ERD for B2B 5%
  • MiniProject #5: Team ERD  5%
  • MiniProject #6: Pressly Ad 5%
  • MiniProject #7: REI_Not 5%
  • MiniProject #8:  Acme Global 5%
  • MiniProject #9: Nolex 10%
  • In-class SQL test 15%
  • MiniProject #10: SQL 10%
  • Participation  10%
  • WINIT (count as participation)

Detailed descriptions of these assignments will be posted on the class schedule as the class progresses.

UVA does not have an official scale to translate average points into lettergrades. Based on last year's outcomes, these are the thresholds for this class:

100~95 = A
95~93 = A-
93~90 = B+
90~87 = B
87~80 = B-

If needed I will modify these thesholds in your favor, i.e. lowering them for all.  Scores lower than 80 will be decided on a case by case basis.

AI tools

You are encouraged to use AI tools such as ChatGPT and Copilot unless explicitly forbidden (for example in in-class tests).  However, be warned that these tools often produce incorrect or excessively complicated answers. This means that they are not valid reference sources.  In other words,"The AI made me do it", or "That is what the AI said"are NOT valid excuses for incorrect answers or assignments. You are fully responsible for what you hand in.


Participation is graded on most days in class. Here you will find a definition and the rubric used to grade you. WINIT counts as participation.


All projects are due at the beginning of class, unless explicitly indicated otherwise. Any homework submitted after the deadline will be subject to a 10% penalty per day. Days are not prorated.


We plan to hold COMM 3220 in-person, in RRH 225. Let me know via email or Teams in advance if you plan to miss a class.  You will not be penalized for missing up to two class sessions during the semester. Use these freebies wisely! After that, your participation grade for any absence will be zero.

Given the threat of COVID and other serious illnesses, you will have no negative consequences to your participation score, nor any extra work to do if you are absent more than twice in a row and you email me some justification: a doctor note, test, or similar evidence.

In any case, you are always responsible for covering the materials, monitoring the website, and the Teams messages. Not paying attention is not an acceptable excuse.

Etiquette & Behavioral expectations

We follow the honor system. In addition, we are a professional school, which means that in class you are expected to behave like a professional. Practice integrity and intellectual rigor. Respect your classmates. Be punctual.  Noncompliance has participation implications.

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