Purpose, Task, and Criteria

Successful managers communicate effectively, share experiences and ideas, evaluate options, and reach sound conclusions. Class discussions will allow you to practice these skills and listen and learn from your peers. It is also a means by which faculty verifies that you have achieved your learning objectves. For these reasons participation is encouraged, measured, and rewarded every day.
Class participation is defined broadly:
- answering questions from the professor, including the "orange words" (I will explain in class what they are)
- asking good questions and offering insightful comments during demos and code walkthroughs,
- filling the end-of-semester survey,
- helping others (within the honor code) in the chat.
It also means having a positive attitude and a leadership role in class, improving the class for all.
Your class participation is assessed daily. Your final participation grade is determined based on the average of your daily participation scores. These are the scores and their definitions:
- +3 Stood out as an exceptional contributor to class dialogue. Made memorable, high-quality comments
- +2 Appeared engaged and prepared, contributed as expected
- +1 Attentive, but did not engage in the discussion, or made repetitive or irrelevant comments that did not add much value
- 0 Absent
- -1 Appeared distracted or unprepared; behaved in ways that negatively impacted the classroom experience
Also check the attendance policy and its implications for participation.