Readings and Software

All the class readings are online and listed in the schedule.  There is no mandatory textbook or software to purchase in advance.

I would like some additional resources to support my learning...

  • VB: If you are a programming beginner, then Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2015 in 24 Hours by James Foxall, is a very good free option to get you started quickly or to fill some gaps in your knowledge. If you do not find UVA in the scroll down list, go to the top of the list and sign in with your UVA email.
  • VB The Visual Basic official reference by Microsoft is not intended as something that you read from top to bottom. It is best used as a reference dictionary for the language and its keywords. Use it that way.
  • SQL: An excellent interactive resource to deepen your knowledge of SQL is the SQL Tutorial by the W3 School
  • SQL: The Microsoft reference for Transact SQL (T-SQL), their version of SQL, is WAY more technical and the authoritative reference.
  • SQL: If you prefer a more traditional SQL book, look into Getting Started with SQL by T. Nield. If you do not find UVA in the scroll down list, go to the top of the list and sign in with your UVA email.
  • FINANCE: To deepen your knowledge of options and derivatives, I recommend Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives by John Hull. It is a very well-regarded reference book, albeit pricey. If you want to save some money, do not buy the latest edition. Any recent edition will do.

Can I use AI tools?

Yes. Feel free to use AI tools such as Chat GPT, Bard, and the new Bing unless explicitly forbidden. They are good substitutes for Google when it comes to finding answers to technical questions.  However, be warned that these tools are known to often offer incorrect answers. This means that they are not valid reference sources. Often they produce incorrect answers, or answers that are absurdly complicated. In other words,"The AI made me do it", or "That is what the AI said" are NOT valid excuses for incorrect answers or assignments. You are fully responsible for what you hand in. Critical thinking still matters!

Required software

  • Visual Studio is installed in every computer in every McIntire lab. Many students choose to work from the labs. It is definitely the easiest option.  If you are technologically savvy and want your own copy on your own machine, see these instructions.
  • Azure Data Studio is installed in every computer in every McIntire lab.  You can also download it for free from Microsoft.